Monday, March 23, 2015

Women In Clothes: Dress for Success read by Sonia Manzano.

I really enjoyed this story. Although it was a rather short podcast, the reader, Sonia Manzano had a great tone in her voice that brought the story to life. Her voice was powerful and load, but not overbearingly so. She accentuated certain words, she dropped her tone low at points and loader at others as to make certain words more important than others. When she made a joke, she paused, allowing the audience to laugh and once they finished she began again. Her speed of voice was perfect, she did not talk to fast, allowing the listeners to take in all the she was saying. The only thing I wish was different was the ending. I didn’t understand the first time I listened that the podcast was over, I wish her tone on the last few words allowed for the listeners to know, indeed the story was coming to an end.

The plot of the story was very interesting to me. With the over arching idea being the women are the ones who are brutally criticized for their outfits and clothes, but the author brings up a good point, why aren't men criticized for their outfit choices just as much as women? Sonia, when bringing up certain males in particular suits, including Justice Roberts, while I was being unaware of who she was talking about, still gave humor, that made me laugh due to her tone and way of speaking. 

Women in Clothes: Magical read by Zosia Mamet 

I really enjoyed this story as a whole. The reader, Zosia Mamet for the most part did a good job, allowing me to feel interested in the story. Throughout the story the girl went threw many dresses that she seemed to think defined her life, the reader did a good job at depicting the feeling the character had when wearing such clothes, how they made her feel, who and what she came to find. However,   I think the reader could have brought the story a bit more to life, by changing her tone and speed of what she was saying. In general, the reader had a very calm, yet depressing kind of voice. The voice made me feel like the story was sad, but it actually wasn’t.  By changing her tone in voice, having a more upbeat, exciting tone in the high points, for example when she found her last dress and how it made her feel, and then a slower, calmer, more somber voice between during the low points of the story, for example when she looses her first dress that she purchased at Urban Outfitters. The differences in tones  would have brought the story more to life and allowed the listeners to truly feel how the narrator was feeling. 

Women in Clothes: Worn read by Jennifer Lim

This story was good. I didn’t like the plot as much as the other stories, but the reader did in fact do a very good job. She allowed for appropriate pauses, she accentuated correct words, and changed the speed of her voice enough times that it didn’t get confusing or difficult to follow along. One aspect I did like in the story was the power the one ribbon had on the narrator. Jennifer told the story very well, starting from the beginning of her wearing the pink ribbon around her, which made her feel pretty. She mentioned she wasn't sure why she began wearing the ribbon all the time, saying maybe it was the  the Bangladesh women who wore pages of the Koran on a leather string around her waist. The tone of Jennifer Lim allowed for the story to not seem boring or as strange as it might have been. I liked that the story touched on the fact that clothes or accessories that people wear doesn't always have to be for show, they can indeed be for other things, like the Bangladesh women, who wore a piece of clothing for her beliefs. 

1 comment:

  1. Women in Clothes: Magical read by Zosia Manet:

    This was definitely one of my favorites to listen to. I agree with Abby that the reader did have a kind of depressing voice even though the story itself was not sad. However, I enjoyed this voice. WHile the story was not sad, I think this one tone suited the story and complimented it. I believe it had this affect because the story could relate to many people (a girl buying dresses that in a way match parts of her life as she grows up). Therefore, in my opinion, the relevant plot line needed that tone (which did not really change). The actual plot I really enjoyed. The way Zosia told the story, I felt like I could really understand how the girl felt and what the girl did in each dress. Each dress (the three she talked about), lived through important parts of her life and almost guided her in a way. The three dresses each brought confidence and a sense of a new chances or opportunities. Furthermore, the first dress came to an end when she lost it, the second dress came to an end when her boss had it, and the third dress came to an end when she was going to put it on for a date but decided it was time for something new. It was interesting to me how she got each dress to represent something new, and then the endings of each dress also represented something new. I saw this as a cycle, showing that something new is always around the corner.Women in

    Clothes: Dress for Success read by Sonia Manzano:

    I loved how Sonia read this story. Right from the beginning she grabbed my attention. Her tone changed numerous times and there was a couple pauses. I agree with Abby that her voice was powerful, but not in an overbearingly way. I think that is very important because it can be hard to get the balance of being powerful, confident, and loud, but not coming off as annoying. I also agree with Abby that the story ended somewhat abruptly. When it stopped I was a little surprised because I was expecting more. However, in that way I think it positively added more to the story because it left me wanting more.
