Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Greatest Achievement

An important achievement to me would be for people to remember me in a positive way. As Macbeth says, "Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow,/ creeps in this petty pace from day to day" (5.5.19-20). In other words, we will all die. Although we don't get to choose how we die, we get to choose how we are remembered. I don't want people, be it my family, my friends, my classmates, teammates, teachers, or coaches, to remember me in a negative way. I want them to remember me as a person who always did the right thing, was hardworking, and was fun to be around. Although some people are not going to see me this way at all, if many remembered me as more of a good person than a bad person, I will have achieved a lot. This helps me to live my life in a way that goes by these values. Of course I have many moments that do not go along with this aim at all, but it helps me think before I act (usually).
I would not cross moral or legal boundaries to achieve my goal because that would definitely not help me achieve it at all.
Other, less "deep" achievements that do not involve other people's thoughts would be to get really good at the things I love like field hockey, piano, and trombone or to get such amazing grades that I could get into any school I want. I would not cross any moral or legal boundaries to achieve these goals because, like Lady Macbeth, I would feel really guilty in the future. Achieving something by crossing legal or moral boundaries is like not achieving anything at all other than proving that you have no conscience or ethics.
However, none of these would be my "greatest achievement" that I could ever accomplish, and I really don't know what would be. My greatest achievement will probably occur much later in life once I know what profession or path I choose. I doubt that my greatest achievement will occur in high school, even if it is to be happy or have me be remembered well. In order to pinpoint my projected greatest achievement at age 15, I would need to look into my future, which is not something I want to do. Therefore, although these are some goals that would be nice to accomplish, I have no idea what my "greatest achievement" will/would be.

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