Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Greatest Accomplishment

“What is the greatest accomplishment you could ever achieve in life? What lengths would you go to in order to achieve this accomplishment? Consider the moral and legal boundaries you would or would not cross.”

There are many levels of accomplishments that I would hope to achieve during my lifetime, whether it be something in the short term such as somehow passing my biology class, or long term such as getting into a good college that leads to an interesting job that involves something other than sitting in a cubicle all day. However, as for the greatest accomplishment I could imagine, it would have to be something that involved helping mass amounts of people. This could be something like the stereotypical greatest goal of ending world hunger, or finding an easy cure to cancer, or all diseases for that matter. Morally, I don't think that there would be much I wouldn't be willing to do to achieve something like that. If the end result helped more than whatever I did that crossed a moral or legal boundary, then I would be willing to do it. Although there aren't many examples that I could think of involving morality for the cancer cure example, if it was something like having access to someone else's research only I couldn't have their approval, I would probably do it since it the end it would save tons of people. As for legally, I would not be as likely to break the law. For example, if the cure involved using illegal or dangerous materials, then I would probably stay as far away from that as possible. Basically, I think that as long as the end result made up for the measures that it took to get there by a decent amount, it would be worth it.

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